Tag Archives: cookies

Cookie Meditation

Meditation comes in all forms.  I by no means am an expert in meditation but I’m trying to learn!  According to Wikipedia, “Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.”

You know how at the end of yoga class when everyone is laying on their backs and the teacher is reading some touchy-feely passage from her book?

Well, I’m deaf so that doesn’t really apply to me.

So when I was on my recent trip to New Mexico last week with my ladies, at the end of the class I was determined to quiet my mind and meditate for those last 15 minutes.  Here is what went down:

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*Out of the blue I had the sensation of the best damn sugar cookie I ever bit into with big sugar crystals on top*
(thinking to myself)
“Where the hell did I get that cookie?  What makes that sugar cookie hard and the chocolate chip cookies so soft?  Is it baking soda?  Baking powder?  Oh man, Springerle cookies.   So chewy.  I wonder how hard those are to make?  I might be better off just buying them.   I bet Jody knows. Plus I need the pin to roll them out.”

Needless to say, when I “woke up” I was relaxed and happy.  I mean c’mon, I meditated about cookies!!

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