Tag Archives: glutton for punishment

Disorder or Passion?

We have all heard of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, compulsive training, overtraining, etc. Reason I thought to write about this topic is because today at the box, a member asked coach, “who comes 6x a week?” and he immediately pointed to me.

I do. I admit that I head to the box 6x a week. I addition to that, I train in my garage gym which means I’m sometimes doing 2-a-days. And what’s more; I feel like I can do more! But here’s the kicker, I don’t think I train that much. “That” much meaning “too” much. Am I a compulsive exerciser? Am I over training? I say no. Absolutely not. And this is why.

I. Love. To. Workout. I don’t see it as punishment for what I ate or didn’t eat. I don’t see it as punishment for the way I look or what to look. I don’t dread it. I look forward to it everyday to the point that it has a place on my calendar, a date that I make with myself.

In a nutshell, from what I have been reading (full disclosure that I am not a doctor!), it becomes a disorder when the outcomes are negative; depression, anxiety, guilt, etc.

I see nothing but positive outcomes which is why I call it passion. A hobby that I am passionate about. Some people collect comic books. Some people like to read. Some throw clay. I like to throw weights around. Fast.

So tell me, what’s your passion?

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CrossFit Games 2018 (at home)

It’s Games Week!

I’m no pro and I love a good challenge. Challenges that have you cursing you and your bright idea to take on such a task BUT when it’s all over, I’m tellin ya, best feeling ever.

I’ll never make it to the Games, or even Regionals. (definitely not with this attitude anyway) But I wanted to do as many of the Games WODs as I could now that I have a kick ass garage gym with just about everything I need. It’s a work in progress, but dang the hubs did a fantastic job!

Here is how it went down:

Day 1, August 1, 2018:

IE1: CRIT – 10 laps on a Bike, each lap being 1,200m. PASS. Not only do I not have a bike but I can’t think of anything to modify and make it even remotely close. So I’ll skip it.

IE2: 30 MU. Given I don’t have a (bar) muscle-up anymore, 30 wasn’t going to happen. So I opted for 30 chest to bar. To my disappointment on the very first one, I’m feeling sore and weak. So 30 pullups it is. Time: 3:34 *note to self, get chalk ASAP*

IE3: CrossFit Total (1RM Back Squat, Shoulder Press and Deadlift). This I was going to have to do from the ground because I have no rig. I knew it was going to be short and relatively light but I didn’t think it was going to be THIS light. 115#, 85# and 185# respectively. Da Fuq?!?

Ok fine, whatever. Moving on.

IE4: Marathon Row. Castro, you funny! Oh hell nah. Instead, I took the endurance WOD from @TheCrossFitBox. 8 Rds of 800m run, 80 DU and 20 burpees with a 1 hour time cap. Ho…..ly…..nope, couldn’t finish. In fact, I stopped sweating and my face was feeling funky. In the 4th 800m run, my !#?#$ timer stopped. Either way, at the hour I was just shy of 7 rounds; 6 rounds + 890 reps.

When I came inside, my husband had made chili. I can’t help but laugh. I ate it…and prayed.

See my friend Batilda?  She keeps me company when I workout during the day then vanishes into the night…..

Day 2, August 2, 2018:

I PR’ed rest day!

Day 3, August 3, 2018:

“The Battleground”. That sure isn’t happening either. How am I supposed to transform my backyard into an obstacle course? I guess with some money and extra muscle I could. But I have this thing called a full time job so I’ll have to skip this one. Instead I did a quick AMRAP from a local box

16 Wall(less) Balls 14#
15 Pullups
14 TTB
3 rds + 23

By the 3rd round I was slipping off the bar. I had absolutely no grip either with bare hands or with my bear grips. I ignored my “note to self” on day one to get the goddamn chalk!  So I switched over to pushups and abmat with the 14# med ball.

In an effort to keep with the “Battleground” theme, I took the CompTrain WOD for today and added battle ropes for cardio instead of an assault bike. *note to self, get an Assault Bike*

“Captain Insano”
3 rds of:
20 Deadlift 155#
1 minute battle ropes
20 Hang DB reverse lunges (30’s)
1 minute battle ropes
Time: 15:00

And of course that’s not all. Had to throw at least one more in there.

“Fibonacci” 6 minute time cap
Parallette HSPU
Double KB Deadlift
lunge 89′ with 2 KB OH (35’s)

So this one was easy to modify:
Deadlift #185
#30 DB OH lunge to end of gravel driveway and back

That one took a little time because I struggle with my HSPU….and got a busted blood vessel around my eye as a result.  But hey, I did it.

Tomorrow is Saturday.  Not sure how it’s going to go down since the little dude is home with me all day.  But let’s find out.

Aaaaaand, good night.

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