Tag Archives: distracted

How *I* make a lemon zinger

I was talking to my mamma last night.  She thinks she is coming down with a cold….which means I’m going to make me a lemon zinger to help her feel better.  Yeah, I’m like that.

So here is how it goes……

Pour lemon juice in a cup
Walk to water jug for hot water
See the pellet stove is running out so fill with pellets
Head back to water jug
Pour hot water in mug with lemon juice
Water runs out
Remove empty jug to replace
See dog peed on the floor
Clean dog pee and throw soiled paper towels outside

……what was I doing again??

Run downstairs and get fresh jug of water
Finish pouring hot water in mug with lemon juice
Add Tablespoon of honey
Add 2, and I mean LITERALLY TWO, red pepper flakes

Enjoy 🙂

Hope you are feeling better mamma!


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