Tag Archives: rest

A small miracle happened

A small miracle happened yesterday.  While I was out shopping I got a text from my stepdaughter offering to watch B while the hubs and I went to dinner.  Don’t mind if I do!

But it gets better…..

On the way home, B fell asleep in the car however I was able to successfully transition him to bed where he continued him nap.

And yes, it gets better……

For the first time in EVER I took a shower and got ready for our night out while B stayed asleep.  Wha?!  I kept going in there and checking on him because this is just nuts.  When I was done getting ready, I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself.  At this point I’m using to chasing B and keeping him out of the trash can or something.

So I popped open a bottle of Riesling that was literally calling my name.  Literally.


So there I sat in front of the fire, watching “Miami Ink” and drinking my delicious wine.  The stars had aligned the evening of February 13, 2016.

At dinner, I was reaching for some chapstick in my purse when I started to laugh.  I was so excited about going out that I forgot to clean out (or change) my purse.  I’m sure other mammas have this problem.  My date night purse consisted of my regular stuff….plus diapers, wipes and desitin.


Speaking of chapstick, of all things, I didn’t have any in my purse.  Did you know that butter makes a good alternative?

So I had a “food find” this week. Normally I don’t go running to the store for something I saw on a commercial but a) it looked good b) I also saw it on my iBotta app and c) I am not at all inspired to cook lately.

I had made buffalo cauliflower before and it was a bit of work.  I’m plumb tuckered out and don’t feel like cooking much lately so this looked absolutely fantastic.  Tastes great although B didn’t think so.  He was too busy working on the rotisserie chicken I bought.

Bottom line, I’ll buy it again.


Another week at the gym.  Managed 5 times which is better than when I was going to CrossFit.  Getting a little bit stronger every time!  5# doesn’t seem like much but it’s an accomplishment.

I’m sure you notice there is a ton of redundancy in Outlaws programming.  But you know what? The sh*t works.  When I want to switch it up, that’s what the WODs are for.


Below was absolutely positively terrible.  Why?  Because I was bored out of my ever living mind!  I am been wanting to run lately but it’s just too damn cold out there!  So one day I didn’t feel like lifting.  Instead I opted for CrossFit Endurance long intervals. If I was outside, this would not have been a problem but I didn’t have that choice.  I was on a treadmill and it was a nightmare.  Can you tell by my writing??

This is what it says,
7 minutes on, 7 minutes off
Incline of 2%
Range 2-5 rounds
Walked 3 minutes then began the intervals.  Running at 6.0 and walking at 3.0.  By the 3rd round, I wanted to scream.  So I left.


Happy Valentine’s Day all!!

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It’s not just a headache

When I was pregnant with my little man, I knew at least 15 people that were also pregnant. So you can bet my Facebook wall was full of anything and everything related to being pregnant. Anyone who has had a bun int he oven will tell you about the seemingly endless list of symptoms you may (ahem, WILL) experience. The gas, heartburn, sleepless nights, numb arms/legs, aching back, thick hair, swollen ankles, stuffy nose, puffy lips, acne….

Some people, namely me, had symptoms that had even my OB-Gyn scratching her head. My hair “down there” hurt. Yep. You read that right. The. Hair. I didn’t even google to see if I could understand “why” it hurt because so many weird things were going on with my body. I just accepted it with a chuckle. Yeah, I chuckle because it IS weird right?

So while I am getting used to all of this stuff going on with my body, I may have convinced myself that it would all go away after our baby was here. Almost 10 weeks post partum and my gas is worse. You would think that I was eating broccoli, sprinkled with brussel sprouts wrapped in kale. Maybe this is why my Boston Terrier won’t sit with me anymore? At least the heartburn is gone. And thats the silver lining!

While some symptoms do disappear, others may surface. Which brings me to Monday, June 2nd. I had never experienced a migraine before. I think some people throw that word around when they really just have a headache. But those that really do suffer from it, god bless you!

You know when you are driving and the sun hits the back window of the car in front of you wrong? Well that’s what happened so I thought I was seeing sun spots. Negative. By the time I got home from the bank, I couldn’t see! Once I got my little man down for his nap, I was in bed with all the lights off and sunglasses on. Two and a half hours go by and I still can’t see anything, I’m feeling sick, weak and absolutely freaking out. I’m already deaf…now I can’t see?!? One call to the doctor and they have me headed to the ER. Any change in headaches expecially after having a baby needs to be evaluated.

So to the ER I go.

And we wait…..

And wait……

And wait……oooh, Cops is on TV. A prostitute got punched in the face so she called the Cops. She’s crying because she is getting arrested too! What an idiot.

And we wait….finally we see the doctor! But guess what? I’m feeling better. Migraine is gone. Figures.

While no bloodwork was done, or any tests for that matter, the doctor having heard my symptoms says it was a classic case of a migraine. The stresses of becoming a new mom both emotionally and physically, along with hormone changes and lack of sleep can trigger a migraine. Makes sense. It is possible to develop a tendency to get migraines after you have a baby. My prescription? Fluid, food, rest and Motrin.

So to all the new mothers out there, keep this in mind. If this happens to you, call your doctor if you are not prone to migraines.

Needless to say, Monday ended up being a rest day.

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