Tag Archives: bacon

Ups and Downs are Inevitable

Good Lord what a week! Lots of ups and downs….it’s got me completely exhausted!  Week started out good; I had no conflicts and was able to get myself into the box every morning.  Still working on CrossFit Endurance with more focus on rowing rather than running.  I don’t have much patience for running right now.  Burn out?  Possibly.

The downside of all the endurance training is that even though I am still doing the WODs and lifting, I am getting much weaker. I am missing my lifting PRs by about 30#.  On one hand, I’m bummed about that but on the other hand, I’m faster and my endurance has improved quite a bit.  I did “Kelly” this week and beat my time by FIVE WHOLE MINUTES!

Run 400m
30 Box Jumps (20″)
30 Wall Balls (14″)

The last time I did “Kelly” was 4 years ago and I used a 16″ WB.  This is still a big improvement.

After going 3 straight days, I decided to have an active rest day yesterday.  And by “active rest” I mean a 10k row.  I managed to maintain a 2:24/500m pace for the first 8000m and by the last 1000m I was rowing at 1:55/500m pace.  Beat my last 10k by almost 2 minutes.  Came in at 46:23.  I had half a mind to throw in another 5k but decided against it.  That is the kind of thinking that gets me injured.  In about 2 weeks, I’ll try for 12k or 15k.

So while I was riding that high from my PRs (my “ups”), it was quickly shot down with a trip to the Audiologist (my “down”).

In July, I had surgery to fix my ruptured ear drum.  I could have left it alone but since I wear a hearing aid, I kept getting ear infections.  So, we decided to patch it up using a skin graft from the tragus of the same ear. Well long story short, it didn’t take.  Grrr!  When I went back in for my post-op, the hole was there, but in a different location. So basically, the graft popped off.  Doc wants me to come back in 2 months just to see if the eardrum heals itself any more but in the meantime told me to go about my normal lifestyle…even wearing my hearing aid again.

That’s when I got worse news.

I can’t hear anything.  I put my aid in and I got nothing.  Not even a peep.  My first reaction was that my hearing aid coincidently broke during those 7 weeks I wasn’t wearing it.  Shit, I wish!  So, I got another hearing test which confirmed that I have lost hearing from the surgery.  My Doc is baffled seeing how this surgery had nothing to do with my ability to hear however he thinks that the location of the hole is what is effecting my hearing even though I had a hole BEFORE the surgery.

So this is my “down” but we have a game plan; we are going to see where I stand in 2 months to decide if we should even fix the hole.  I don’t even want to think about it until then.

Which brings me back to my “up”……I have a GREAT support system, amazing family, loving husband, beautiful healthy happy baby boy, a good job, a roof over my head…I could go on forever.  Even though my ears and I have been at odds since I was a little girl, at least the rest of me works!

Ending this blog on a serious note…..

No We in Bacon

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13.1 and DONE!

Well holy crap, I just finished my first half marathon!  It was not easy.  Even with all that training I did.   At the beginning people were flying past me but I knew better than to start fast.  Kept my ego in check and kept at my slow and steady pace.   By mile 6, was still feeling good.   Popped a smartie and kept at it.  By mile 9, my legs were starting to hurt and I prayed that they wouldn’t buckle.   By mile 12 I was holding back sobs because I had never gotten that far and was determined to finished no matter how bad it hurt.

And I did!  It took my somewhere around 2:10.  No idea really.   I was trying to keep from falling over.

As I was running,  I was thinking about this post and any advice I would give other runners.  So here goes:

Get there early.   Yes, getting there at 6am for a 745am race seems ridiculous but I needed and used every minute.  I wasn’t rushed,  got my bib, stretched at my car and used to bathroom 2 times before we started with enough time remaining to say 10 “Hail Mary’s” and “Our Father’s”.

Don’t wear gray pants.   I’m referring to the warm ups before the race starts.   Hear me out.  I don’t care how nice the race is, a Johnny-on-the-Spot is a Johnny-on-the-Spot.   They are all gross.   So while I’m trying to squat and not touch a thing in there,  I managed to pee on my pants.   My gray ones.   In other words,  there was no denying it.  Luckily I had my running pants on under but I didn’t want to risk falling over INSIDE the Johnny-on-the-Spot while trying to change them.  *shutter*  My solution? I came out to wash my hands and dried my hands on my pants.   No one said anything to me and even if they did, who gives a shit?

Stalk someone.   Or if that sounds too creepy, find a pacer.  I happened upon these 2 ladies that were running at a 10 minute mile pace which was the pace I was trying to keep. I zoned in on their Ironman calf tattoos for about 8 miles before they sped it up at mile 12. Good job ladies and thank you!

If you train with water, bring your water.  I always run with my Camel Bak.  2 things I must have with me at all times, running or not; water and chapstick.  So why should my race be any different?  I know they had hydration stations throughout but I would rather drink when I wanted to, not when they were available.  Plus, I don’t want to have to stop to drink the water.  If I’m running, I want to keep running.  Every time I try to drink out of those cups I always end up gulping a ton of air.  No thanks.  I’ll stick with what works for me; my trusty ol’ Camel Bak.

….and on the topic of water.  Make sure it’s WATER you grab before you pour it over your head.  They hand out Gatorade too.

CANDY!  Yes I said candy!  And one of my favorites too; Smarties!  Don’t buy into the hype that you have to purchase expensive running gels for your race.  Save your money and buy Smarties.  They are easy, small and dissolve right on your tongue.  And what’s more?  They are MUCH cheaper.

Switch sides.  Of the road that is.  The road may look flat but it really isn’t.  The road curves down a little at the shoulder.  So if you keep running on the right (or the left), you experience some pains and blisters that could have been avoided.  Switch sides when you can.  Or if at all possible, run the middle of the road.  I found myself running on the center yellow line as often as I could.

And now my favorite part….my post half marathon burger.  Not everyone is the same but I cannot eat within 2 hours of finishing a long run.  I will get sick.  Waiting for this burger was torture so I took a nap.

I had been thinking about this burger for a month.  It sounds disgusting I know but trust me, it is absolutely delicious!  I ate two!
4oz 80/20 beef patty
Cheddar cheese
Sunflower seed butter


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Mamma’s day off

I finally got a day off! I hope I don’t jinx this.  Originally the plan was to book a nice long massage and then a mani/pedi.   That went out the window when my dog got an infected anal gland and had to go to the vet.  

Plan B, at least get the pedi.

So here I sit in the nail salon getting my toes worked on.  The day so far has been great; slept in until 715am, Crossfit now a pedicure.  And what’s  more??  Today is the first day of spring!


This morning was my sorry attempt at 15.4.  7 whole reps!  Geez.  But I finished it off with 8 minutes of rowing. I’d go for a run but I didn’t dress appropriately and it’s  supposed to snow.  Ironic, eh?  You know,  with it being the first day of spring.  

Even though its been quiet, my half marathon training is going okay.   Let me rephrase;  it’s been quiet “on here”.  Its been the complete opposite at home which is why I was due for a day off.  Still managing 4 days of Crossfit with sprint drills and running thrown in there.   Now just need to reasses my eating since I’ll be running more once the weather gets warmer. 

Oh shit….hold on.  She’s massaging my calves…………………………………………………

And, I’m back.

So I noticed this week that my food is starting to resemble the garbage plate that some diners have.  I have no energy to cook so I just pile everything together and you will be surprised how some combinations taste great together.  


Speaking of weird combinations,  I saw a burger with peanut butter, sriracha, cheddar cheese and bacon.

Next cheat day?

Here we have a sweet potato and sauteed green beans topped with 80/20 beef and avocado.   And of course I ALWAYS top my avocado with garlic salt. 

Easy, delicious and healthy. 

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Merry Christmas!!

Sorry it’s been quiet around these parts. Remember when I said I was getting burnt out? Well, for the holidays I went to Florida with the family (my side) and did nothing but play, eat, drink and visit. No schedule to follow. No food to track. No pants to fit into. Just enjoying myself….and it was just what I needed.

Came back to the East Coast and am raring to get a nice sweat going. But first, I have to share what I got from Santa.

First, I got a Universal Foldable Keyboard which I am typing on right now. I synced this sucker up with my iPad and it’s making blogging SO much easier! Only flaw is that the letter “B” is on the wrong side so I can’t easily hit it with my left finger. Oh well.

Before we opened our gifts today, my husband has a tradition where he always has cinnamon rolls Christmas morning. I refuse to eat them out of a pop can so I decided to make them myself using store bough raw pizza dough. I can’t believe how easy these things are to make.

Roll out the dough, spread softened butter all over, sprinkle brown sugar liberally (don’t forget the edges!) and then sprinkle cinnamon. Cut into 8 pieces and place in a greased pan. Cook at 350* until done.

While that was in the oven I mixed together 2 cups of powdered sugar with 1 tsp of vanilla extract and 4 Tblsp on milk.

Drizzle, pour, slather, dump the icing all over the rolls while they are still warm.

However if you want to have a little fun with it…..before you roll the dough…..take some bacon that you have cooked half way, lay them on the dough and then roll. I wanted to try this but I didn’t coordinate my time appropriately and my husband gagged when I mentioned it. So, a side of bacon it is!

So while the food was cooling off, we opened our gifts. Of course B got a TON of stuff. As first borns should. I definitely got what I wanted even thought I was not at all expecting it. A Bob jogging stroller! Holy crap that threw me off guard. Just when I always think my husband isn’t listening to me, he really is. No more excused that I cannot run because I have a baby. B’s got a new set of wheels!

So then guess what I did? C’mon guess.

I signed up for my first half marathon. Ah hell. What did I get myself into?!? I have until June 7th to train anyway.

So after 1 (or 2) too many cinnamon rolls and finally got B to sleep, I decided to put together a Christmas Chipper. Not the hardest, but I need to work some of this energy off.

No time for rest! The in-laws on their way over and I need to start cooking. I’ve got a ham in the oven and going to make baked sweet potatoes and steamed aspargus. I could use a vegetable or two right now.

Happy Holidays!

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Happy Birthday to me!

Oh yay! It’s MY day to do whatever the heck I want! This is probably the first time in 36 years where I truly genuinely feel like I deserve I say to do so. Yesterday, I didn’t think I was going to make it another day. Between work, the gym, doing mommy stuff and house stuff; I was feeling extremely burnt out. In fact, yesterday morning after I dropped B off at daycare, the thought of going to the box made me sick. Sounds like I needed a day off, eh?

This morning started awesome. B woke up at 3am so I cuddled in bed with him and we slept in until probably 7. I had no idea what time it was nor did I care. Got up, made some coffee, took a shower, opened some gifts then my favorite part of my morning happened……

I really don’t like to wake B up, but I had to get him to daycare. So I tip toed in his room and quietly opened the blinds. I turned around and there he was laying there with a big gummy smile on his face. Oh my heart!

Took him to daycare and then went for some pancakes and bacon with my husband. No birthday cake for me…..all I wanted was some plain old flapjacks and bacon. They were ok….they hit the spot but my goodness there should be a law against cutting bacon that thin!

I felt like Buddy the Elf after eating all the syrup. Because after shopping a little, I came home and wrote myself a special birthday WOD. By the end, I though those pancakes were going to make their way back up.


How else to cool down after that WOD other than a nice rose scented bubble bath with a face mask and hair oil treatment?

Now only 130pm and Ive got the whole day ahead of me! What should I do?

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Baby comes first

I got my first dose of experiencing all of the excuses that I hear others make.  I have been spoiled up until this point and the reality of our new situation (being a parent) is sinking in.  You saw Monday’s WOD kick my *ss and a good thing it did because the rest of my week did not go as planned.  I knew I was not able to go to the box on Tuesday or Wednesday, so I planned to go on Thursday and Friday.

The short version;  it didn’t happen.

The long version; Tuesday and Wednesday had passed and no gym.  I did however, get a short run in. A very slow, ugly run but a run nonetheless. Wednesday night B got a fever.   And the rules for his daycare are that he had to be fever-free for 24 hours without medicine before he can come back.   In other words,  he’s staying home with me Thursday. 

Now I may be selfish at times but not selfish enough to leave my sick child to go workout.  So Thursday B got my undivided attention…..as he should. 

Actually, undivided attention after I made this

I’ve got to eat darn it! I got this recipe from my Martha Stewart magazine. I roasted a whole chicken with sweet taters, onion and cauliflower. The recipe called for pancetta (which I didn’t have) so I threw in some bacon. Why? Because bacon.

Then Friday comes. B has been fever-free for 24 hours but now I think his temperate is too low. Before you roll your eyes, pretty much all first time mommies go through this. I learn as I go. But because I was on the phone trying to get ahold of his doctor, we were late for daycare which made me miss class. So I finally take advantage of the other gym I am a member of.

I really don’t like going to a globogym anymore. Im not that girl that goes to the gym in full makeup, hair done, matching clothes and spends 45 minutes on the elliptical. Goddammit Im gonna move some serious weight! So you can imagine how irritating it is when the guys just sit around and stare.

Lets keep it moving along……

The Sweat
The show they got was me working on my clean and jerks. I only got up to 125# because there wasn’t enough room on the platform for me to do a split jerk. Plus my wrist is HURTING! Crap.

Then because those cool kids are standing around the racks talking, I just did back squats with the bar from the ground. 1 set of 20 at 95#

I honestly believe some people think just walking into the gym builds muscles. Seriously, lift or go home.

Then to really throw those guys off, I did negative chin-ups because how often do you see chicks doing chin-ups? Your welcome ladies.

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